The smart budgeting software for SMEs
With KLARA Budget, you'll always keep track of your company's financial situation; you'll be able to react swiftly to changes, and you'll be able to plan corporate development in line with your goals. Simple handling combined with practical visualisations, key figures and scenarios ensure reliable financial planning.
30-day free trial – ready to go in just a few minutes
Full control over the development of your corporate goals
With KLARA Budget, you'll be able to create a budgets even if you have no specialist knowledge. Because KLARA Budget connects to your accounting, you'll always be able to check whether or not your company is developing according to plan, so you can react flexibly.

Reliable budget planning
KLARA imports the information from your annual financial statement or income statement to provide you with planning based on the prior year. Do you want to start a new budget manually, without the prior year's figures? No problem! KLARA guides you through the individual budget positions.

Tailor your planning to your goal
Because your budget is always up to date, you can react flexibly – even if conditions change at short notice. So you're better able to avoid negative effects.

Your further benefits with KLARA Budget
Intuitive user interface
Easy to handle
Detailed planning
Updated every day
User handling
Key figures
30-day free trial – ready to go in just a few minutes
Find the right pricing model for you
KLARA Budget is integrated in the KLARA Business Basic and Plus package.
Start now with KLARA Business and test 1 month for free. If you are convinced, choose between the monthly or annual subscription.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
The professional solution for your company, from customer management via mobile app to audit-compliant archiving of your business documents, including your personal contact person at KLARA.
save 10%
save 10%
Everything from the Basic and:
The prices shown are subject to rounding differences. You can find the exact price calculation in the Widget Store. *Prices valid for: sole trader, association, foundation, ordinary partnership and others **Prices valid for: general partnership, limited partnership, joint stock company, limited liability company (GmbH) and cooperative ***by using the eArchive service, additional costs for archiving per document of 0.01 CHF per month are incurred.
Weitere Vorteile von KLARA Business

Abos für jedes Bedürfnis
Erledige deine Büroarbeiten ruck-zuck und fehlerfrei. Das Beste daran: Unsere Lösung wächst mit deinem Unternehmen und deinen Ansprüchen mit. Füge jederzeit neue Module hinzu und profitiere von deren Zusammenspiel. Wir versprechen dir: du findest dich im Nu zurecht.

"Verkaufen war nie einfacher!"
CHF 49.-/Monat
CHF 1'100.-/einmalig

"Online erfolgreich mit nur einer Lösung!"
Ab CHF 29.-/Monat
Ab CHF 279.-/Jahr

"Die Administration für dein Team im Griff!"
CHF 2.-/Monat/Mitarbeitender
CHF 4.-/Monat/Mitarbeitender

What are you waiting for?
Register now and get started directly with KLARA Business. If you would like a consultation, our advisors will be happy to help you.
Start now with KLARA Business
Simply register free of charge, get the widget and get started.