Create your website simply and professionally
Create your own website step-by-step in just a few minutes: make it modern, interactive and individual.
30-day free trial – ready to go in just a few minutes
Present your company competently
Create your own design in just a few minutes. Simply upload your logo, and KLARA automatically builds the web design for your homepage in your colour scheme.

As individual as your company's products and services
Clearly present your products and services and add images and videos.

Increase your visibility
Enable your existing and potential customers to find you faster, and impress them with your professional website.

Further advantages for you with KLARA Website
Can be extended with modules according to your requirements
Multilingual translation feature
Rapid automatic translation into German, French and Italian.
Social media links
Integrated contact form
New and existing customers can easily get in touch with you via the integrated contact form.
Show yourself and your employees under the "Team"* header
* only with Website Plus
Integrated image and video gallery*
Upload your most appealing images of the business, your services and your products, and link your YouTube/Vimeo-videos very simply.
* only with Website Plus
30-day free trial – ready to go in just a few minutes
Find the right pricing model for you
KLARA Website is integrated in the KLARA Online Presence Bundle.
Start your free website now or test KLARA Online Presence free of charge for 1 month. If you find it convincing, you can choose between a monthly or annual subscription..
All prices excl. VAT.
The prices shown are subject to rounding differences. You can find the exact price calculation in the Widget Store.
Weitere Vorteile von KLARA Business

Abos für jedes Bedürfnis
Erledige deine Büroarbeiten ruck-zuck und fehlerfrei. Das Beste daran: Unsere Lösung wächst mit deinem Unternehmen und deinen Ansprüchen mit. Füge jederzeit neue Module hinzu und profitiere von deren Zusammenspiel. Wir versprechen dir: du findest dich im Nu zurecht.

"Verkaufen war nie einfacher!"
CHF 49.-/Monat
CHF 1'100.-/einmalig

"Online erfolgreich mit nur einer Lösung!"
Ab CHF 29.-/Monat
Ab CHF 279.-/Jahr

"Die Administration für dein Team im Griff!"
CHF 2.-/Monat/Mitarbeitender
CHF 4.-/Monat/Mitarbeitender

What are you waiting for?
Register and get started easily. If you would like a consultation, our advisors will be happy to help you.
These additional options extend KLARA Website
Own domain
Individual domain with Website Basic or Plus for an extra CHF 29/year
"Jobalino": find new employees with ease
Publish vacancies on job boards relevant to you for an additional CHF 9/month
Frequently asked questions
You can add products such as Online Booking (an integrated KLARA widget enabling your customers to book appointments), Online Shop (to sell your products online) and/or Online News (to provide information on campaigns or news from your company) to your website.
Yes, for an annual fee of CHF 29.00 you can buy your own domain in the widget store. It comes with an SSL certificate. This allows you to give your website that special personal touch. If you buy the Website Plus package, the costs of your own domain in the first year are included.
KLARA offers you numerous ways to get answers. We distinguish between two phases.
Set up KLARA:
Under First steps we will guide you through the setup process using short videos. Furthermore, you can find out several interesting facts in our Online trainings / webinars or browse frequently asked questions and their answers in FAQs.
Don't have the time or motivation to set everything up yourself ? Then use our Setup service. Our KLARA Coaches will be happy to help you with situational support after the setup. You can also share questions and inputs via the Community or contact us using the Contact us form.
Get started with KLARA Online Presence now
Simply register free of charge, get the widget and start.